+44 (0) 785 402 3948
Zara's Zouk
London, UK
Your Body, Your Rules, Your Online Bellydance Shop
31st Oct- 1st Nov 2020
Prepare yourself for a weekend you will not forget!
Cassandra Fox, the international, social media, bellydance sensation,
is coming to LONDON 31st Oct - 1st Nov 2020 and you have the chance to train and watch this star in action.
Cassandra needs no introduction: based in Canada, she is an INTERNATIONAL INTERNET SENSATION with any of her bellydance videos easily clocking up to 8 MILLION VIEWS. This has made her easily one of the worlds best known bellydancers. Love watching her? Now you can learn with her and see her live!
This is an intensive weekend of dance training. All workshops will be concentrating mostly on technique with the aim to push YOUR DANCE TO THE NEXT LEVEL. There will be some choreography in some workshops.
Each workshop is 2 hours long and all are welcome regardless of level class sizes will be capped to ensure that you get a real chance to LEARN from Cassandra.
Cassandra is a kind, approachable teacher and we hope to create a fun interactive atmosphere for everyone.
1)Drum Solo Technique and choreography
An Overview of strength in technique to help create a fun and exciting drum solos. Special attention will be given to creating power and fluidity on movements while keeping them clean and sharp.
2) Improving Improvisation
This workshop covers various exercises and techniques to help build confidence and skills for improvising. Improvising can be intimidating and we can find ourselves stressing about repeating the same movements and overthinking instead of enjoying the music and sincerely reacting to it. This workshop is designed to help get past these mental blocks and work through our concerns and generate that anxious energy into energy we can utilize in our dance.
1) Shimmy while you Twerk
Shimmies, shimmies, and Shimmies! Layers and some booty movements to add a unique and cheeky element to your dancing! Also learn some twerking movements to help strengthen your dance, get a great workout and increase stamina. This is a fun high energy workshop. Knee pads or a yoga mat required.
2) Oriental piece with Veil Entrance - Technique and some Choreo / Combos
Master your veil technique for entrances and beyond.
A Night with Cassandra - Hafla/Show Saturday Night
Not only will you have the chance to train with Cassandra but you will also be able to watch her perform. We will be having a small but intimate hafla where Cassandra will be dancing twice. Other acts have not been confirmed but it will be a very simple hafla the emphasis being on Cassandra with a relaxed atmosphere. We will also be providing a simple buffet. We hope for a really interactive, friendly atmosphere all sharing our love of dance and welcoming this star to the UK.
Venue and times
The venue has yet to be confirmed. We are aiming for a suitable venue in tfl zones 1-2 of London and as close to an underground station as possible. We will do our best to get this, but regardless the event will be amazing and something not to be missed.
We hope for the Hafla to be at the same venue as the workshops
When the venue is confirmed we will also confirm the times of the workshops.
Other details
We are doing our best at Zara's Zouk to offer everyone the BEST prices possible. Our aim being that the workshops are as accessible as possible to as many dancers who want to learn. Hence, due to us giving the best prices possible we regret that the tickets, once purchased, are non refundable.
The early bird 1st and 2nd release tickets are at AMAZING prices and as a result cannot be transferred to another dancer's name. Other tickets, even though are not refundable, ARE transferable so you can pass them on to a friend if you are not able to come.
If for some EXTREMELY unlikely reason Cassandra is not able to make it for the workshops a FULL REFUND will be given on all tickets. There will also be an alternative option for a part refund and an alternative teacher will cover the workshops (the workshop topics may change in this very unlikely case).
NOTE: No Zara's Zouk or external vouchers may be used to purchase workshop or hafla tickets
If you are interested in a private class PLEASE CONTACT US DIRECTLY. Spaces will be limited and priority will be given to those with full weekend passes.
Payment Methods
If you have any issues with booking your tickets please do not hesitate to contact us. If are abroad or you would like to pay by bank transfer again please contact us this can be arranged. We do not take deposits or reservations. zara.abdel@gmail.com
Early Bird Full Weekend Passes ​
Only 10 First Release Tickets Available Until March 6th
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Only 10 Second Release Tickets Available Until June 6th
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Full Weekend Passes ​
Four workshops and Hafla Pass over the weekend
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Single Day Passes
Two workshops and Hafla Pass on Saturday
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Two Workshops on Sunday
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Individual Workshop/Hafla Tickets
Individual Workshops
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Hafla Tickets
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