Want to stand out from other dancers and add something FRESH and FUN to your shows?
Why not have a prsonlised Mahragnat / Shaabi song written and made for you by Mahragnat song writer, producer and rapper Mohummed Mshakel!
It can also make for great marketing, and is royalty free for social media!
Straight from the streets of Cairo, you can have the lyrics personalized for you, telling any story you want, mentioning your name, your dance school's name, your festival's name, your hair color: what you are famous for, what area you dance in... ANYTHING! You say!
Songs are usually around the 3 miniute mark, ARE ALWAYS ORIGINAL, and are made usually within 3 weeks
So, what are you waitng for?
Make your purchace here, and then we will be in touch to find out all the details you want in your song.
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